Sunday, June 20, 2010

***** Say Hellloooo To Cormac *****


....this is my first post, and so I thought it would be fitting to break the my solid-block of blog ice with something nice and attractive!

Recently Kev and myself had to venture over to Galway for a party(CP's is fucking amazing by the way!!!) and so we brought along some skate mags to keep us occupied.
Whilst flicking through the many pages of rippers, we suddenly stumbled upon our BIG BREAK! "we could be graffic designers"...

...and Cormac was born!!

If any of the personnel over at Santa Cruz are interested in our design myself and Kev will be more than happy to strike up a deal!

P.S. go ahead and click on the image to enlarge, then zoom in to really get a feel for the design

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