Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

For this issue of 'You Know What Really Grinds My Gears', kev and myself are taking a metaphorical stand (actually sitting down drinking a few pints of black!) against all those un-imaginative people that say the likes of the following: "the dog's bollox", "the cat's pajamas", and "the bee's knees"!

I mean come on, just come up with your own slogans...they'll be alot funnier, and we promise you'll be cooler than half a tub of solero shots in your girlfriend's eye!!

But it wouldn't be enough for us to just give out about theses peeps...so we're providing our own alternative slogans:
  1. "the dog's rod"
  2. "the cat's flaps"
  3. "the bee's dick" (our own personal favourite)

So go out, create, and stay tuned for more 'You Know What Really Grinds My Gears'!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby Baby Baby OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!

Holy shit, I only ever knew Justin Bieber for his rad music but thanks to the ever reliable news feed that are the slap forums and the strange obsession pro skaters have with twitter I just found out that he skates too!!!

I knew he had street cred before, you know hanging out with niggas like Ludacris and Usher but this adds a whole new level of credibility. Now hes out ripping with the most legit people going, Lutzka, Drydek and TK! You don't get much better than that...

I can't wait to see a music collabo between him and J-Rog...

If somebody out there can source one of these for me I'm willing to pay bigtime...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

- -Brainstorming 101- -

Right...as YOU(our loyal followers) know only too well,
Kev and Myself are constantly dreaming up new and wonderful ideas for the blog on a daily basis!

So the other day/night over a few Guinness we thought of our new section:


'Up and Cumming' will be showcasing raw sexy skateboard talent from around the emerald ilse and will also be exclusivly for our mates (you know how you are) so WATCH OUT!!

and oh yeah we'll be evaluating yooou under the following critera:

Oh and again don't be shy to click and enlarge this beaut!