Sunday, August 08, 2010

A White piece a Shite!!!

And now presenting....

.....Shaun White!

Probably one of the most UN-cool people ever to step on a skateboard....EVER!
But the oakley ad above is just the latest in a long run of pure bollox to come out of this little prick:

As you can see his image is classic, class-A queer, with just a hint of biker fag.
Sure he says himself "I don't know what my image is....but I know what it's not"

And now for the icing on the cake---he's bringing out his own game :o
"Shaun White Skateboarding"

If you don't believe me check the (link)
Yes another brilliant game ad with no actual gameplay shown!

Q: What's the difference between a ginger(shaun white) and a brick??
A: A brick might get laid.

I rest my case

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