Thursday, November 04, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sorry we haven't been posting lately, we know all you dedicated fans are dissappointed but we've been busy with some other shit.

Shit like this, this and of course this and this.

Unfortunately Paddy recently blew out his knee (again!) and we've been pretty busy with college shit so not much skating has been going down.

In the mean time check out this little ripper who I think you'll have to agree is the next big thing!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bob does it again

I know we haven't been writing much the last few weeks and of course we're unbelievably sorry...

...we've just been really busy lately!
So for the meantime it's just easier to upload our favourite videos.

So here's one of Bob Burnquist doing fakie 900 to fakie....always amazing! :0

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

- congrats to keith -

Keith's just got on UnaBomber...

...and we'd like to say good man!

It's about time he got a stable board sponsor

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Ipath position for Gav!!

Gav's currently on tour with the Ipath team as a part of the Big Push
and it looks like he's getting on JUST FINE with the rest of the team!!

For more Ipath Big Push endeavors---click here

Friday, August 20, 2010


Just about a week ago Denis Lynn was awarded the Irish Skater of the Year 2010. Now, first of all lets get this straight, I am definitely not trying to take anything away from Denis' skating or from the man himelf with this post. Denis is a great skater with just as great an attitude and congrats to him on ISOTY.

What I wanted to cover in this post is the whole thing of the ISOTY award itself. Thrasher's SOTY is the most respected and prestigious award in pro skating and no matter how much of a loser Jake Phelps is this will always be the case. Everybody who has won SOTY pushed themselves and even skating itself to the upper limits in order to earn the award..

The ISOTY on the other hand just seems to be given out every year to the person who skates the best on some day every summer in Belfast, by Jay Dords. Shouldn't the whole thing be a bit more meaningful than that? The ISOTY should be decided on who skated the best in the past year and thats that. Who won the most contests? Who had the most/best photos? Best footage/video part? Its Irish Skater of Year not Irish Skater of the Day in Belfast.

This is a good example of when the whole "by skaters, for skaters" thing takes a bit of a wobble. Things start to become about homie status rather than who actually deserves the award.

Now again, nothing against Denis here but if anybody deserved to win Irish Skater of the Year 2010 it was Cian Eades.

After stealing the show at DCs King of Dublin last Summer, Cian continued ripping all year with loads of coverage for Jart and showing off plenty of new tricks in the regular MountKennet edits, including shit like this.

Cian topped off the year by being awarded full am status on the Jart team. Hopefully this will lead on to bigger things for him cause he definitely deserves it.

So even though I know you're probly not reading this but congratulations Cian! You won the Skengineers Honourable Irish Skater of the Year 2010! (SHISOTY)

Notable Contenders

Keith Walsh
Keith had a lot of good coverage this past year. Starting with a win at DC King of Dublin he went on to have a lot of coverage for all of his sponsors: DC, Reell, Red Bull and Assets Models. He even put out a part with his footage from the states and some stuff he was sitting on from back home and topped off the year with the cover of Sidewalk. Say what you want about Keith but his skating speaks for itself. The only thing that made me pick Cian over Keith was Cians upgrade to am last month, maybe next year Keith...

Gav Coughlan
Never one to be counted out, Gav Coughlan delivered over the past year as always. Receiving a full Haunts in Sidewalk, putting out a full part in Ciaran Hughes' latest video and putting down ten tricks like this Gav definitely put out some sick stuff this past year. Gavs recent move to I-Path and his upcoming part in the next Sidewalk video make me think this is going to be a big year for him. I can't wait to see some more stuff like this.

So there you have it, if this blog has the legs to last we'll be awarding the SHISOTY again this time next year. Hell, maybe we'll make a cool trophy or something...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh my God that hurt!!!

Paddys post below instantly reminded me of this...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

- - This is fuckin' Gas - -

Just watch


Or for the full version click here.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

A White piece a Shite!!!

And now presenting....

.....Shaun White!

Probably one of the most UN-cool people ever to step on a skateboard....EVER!
But the oakley ad above is just the latest in a long run of pure bollox to come out of this little prick:

As you can see his image is classic, class-A queer, with just a hint of biker fag.
Sure he says himself "I don't know what my image is....but I know what it's not"

And now for the icing on the cake---he's bringing out his own game :o
"Shaun White Skateboarding"

If you don't believe me check the (link)
Yes another brilliant game ad with no actual gameplay shown!

Q: What's the difference between a ginger(shaun white) and a brick??
A: A brick might get laid.

I rest my case

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

For this issue of 'You Know What Really Grinds My Gears', kev and myself are taking a metaphorical stand (actually sitting down drinking a few pints of black!) against all those un-imaginative people that say the likes of the following: "the dog's bollox", "the cat's pajamas", and "the bee's knees"!

I mean come on, just come up with your own slogans...they'll be alot funnier, and we promise you'll be cooler than half a tub of solero shots in your girlfriend's eye!!

But it wouldn't be enough for us to just give out about theses we're providing our own alternative slogans:
  1. "the dog's rod"
  2. "the cat's flaps"
  3. "the bee's dick" (our own personal favourite)

So go out, create, and stay tuned for more 'You Know What Really Grinds My Gears'!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby Baby Baby OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!

Holy shit, I only ever knew Justin Bieber for his rad music but thanks to the ever reliable news feed that are the slap forums and the strange obsession pro skaters have with twitter I just found out that he skates too!!!

I knew he had street cred before, you know hanging out with niggas like Ludacris and Usher but this adds a whole new level of credibility. Now hes out ripping with the most legit people going, Lutzka, Drydek and TK! You don't get much better than that...

I can't wait to see a music collabo between him and J-Rog...

If somebody out there can source one of these for me I'm willing to pay bigtime...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

- -Brainstorming 101- - YOU(our loyal followers) know only too well,
Kev and Myself are constantly dreaming up new and wonderful ideas for the blog on a daily basis!

So the other day/night over a few Guinness we thought of our new section:


'Up and Cumming' will be showcasing raw sexy skateboard talent from around the emerald ilse and will also be exclusivly for our mates (you know how you are) so WATCH OUT!!

and oh yeah we'll be evaluating yooou under the following critera:

Oh and again don't be shy to click and enlarge this beaut!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time for another...


Good Idea: Doing Tre Flips

Bad Idea: Doing Tre Flips like this...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hey Cormac!!!

Hey Cormac!!! We found you a friend...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

***** Say Hellloooo To Cormac *****


....this is my first post, and so I thought it would be fitting to break the my solid-block of blog ice with something nice and attractive!

Recently Kev and myself had to venture over to Galway for a party(CP's is fucking amazing by the way!!!) and so we brought along some skate mags to keep us occupied.
Whilst flicking through the many pages of rippers, we suddenly stumbled upon our BIG BREAK! "we could be graffic designers"...

...and Cormac was born!!

If any of the personnel over at Santa Cruz are interested in our design myself and Kev will be more than happy to strike up a deal!

P.S. go ahead and click on the image to enlarge, then zoom in to really get a feel for the design

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tony Hawk is a Ride

The graphics in the new game are unreal...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Welcome to the inaugural edition of...

In this regular article we hope to educate all you kids out there who are just starting skateboarding and are trying to get to grips with the dos and don'ts of the skating world.

Right, lets jump right in.

Good Idea:
Bad Idea: Pushing Mongo

I mean, come on, Ron Weasley up there pushes mongo...

However, mongo switch? I suppose we can deal with that...

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

(Official) First Post...

Welcome to Skengineers, the blog that deals with all things skateboarding, from ironic ads to iconic fads and everything in between...

Conceived one night while on the way to the pub the blog is brought to you by Irelands best kept secrets ( ;) :P XD), Paddy Murphy and Kevin O'Flynn. With (hopefully) regular updates of all your favourite topics we hope to become the Berrics of blogging in no time at all.

So sit back, grab yourself a pint of Guinness and a fritter and watch the madness unfold...

Tuesday, June 08, 2010